Port HQ Art 22nd November 2017 | No Comments Bottom of the Sea (floor), 2005 Core, 2005 Louis Bunce original sketch for mural, 1958 Louis Bunce original sketch for mural, 1958 Portland Port, 2000 Blade, 1994 Chinook Room doors and handles, 2005 Chinook Room doors and handles, 2005 Louis Bunce original sketch for mural, 1958 4-Bar Wing, Kinetic shade, 2005 Buoyancy, Cumulus, Toe Hold, 2009 Windswept Air, 2010 Windswept Air, 2010 Equilibrium, 2005 Port of Portland, 2014 Containers, 2010 Piles, 2006 Field Study, 2010