This Earth Day, the Port of Portland celebrates with a creative display by Nancy Judd. The Port’s Waste Minimization Team commissioned Nancy to create work that would raise awareness about the Port’s five environmental programs. Members of the Port environmental team will be on hand today, April 22, in the South (ABC) Lobby from 6 AM – 7 PM. The team will engage passengers in an interactive game to sharpen their environmental awareness.
The name of the sculpture is PDX Weather Advisory, which features the following components:

Weather Advisory
RAINCOAT: Representing the Waste Minimization Program, disposable coffee cups cut into iconic Portland images cover the coat and encourage travelers to reuse items such as coffee cups and water bottles.
UMBRELLA: Representing the Air Quality Program, this umbrella is swirling with parking garage tickets, highlighting their program’s reduction in emissions from idling vehicles.
HAT: Representing the Natural Resources Program, a hat-collage of insects and wildlife photos cut from old periodicals emphasizes the Port’s various protection programs.
SCARF: Representing the Energy Program, scrap electrical wire is woven into a scarf to highlight the clean energy and energy efficiency programs.
BOOTS: Representing the Water Quality Program, these boots feature Reed Canarygrass, an invasive species that threatens wetlands. The Port works to manage this invasive species on mitigation lands, as well as many others, to support healthy watersheds and water quality.

Weather Advisory Boots
Nancy’s work will be on display in the post-security ABC Lobby today, April 22. Later this evening, it will be relocated to the pre-security Bag Claim area (north side). It will remain on display through April 29th, after which the piece will travel to Port events periodically with the Environmental Team continuing its mission to educate and entertain.
To learn more about the Port’s Environmental Programs, subscribe to the Port Currents Blog.